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Pilot plants

At ITE, we continue to advance in our goal of being a benchmark in the application of cutting-edge technologies. Learn about our pilot plants and how they can help you develop your business project.
H2 batteries

LaboratoryH2 batteries

Imagen pilas H2

The hydrogen battery has always been present in the conversation about renewables and ecological transition. Since clean mobility is essential for this transition to happen, the hydrogen battery can be key in zero-emission cars, as well as in other sectors.

One of the fundamentals of the ecological transition and renewable energies is hydrogen fuel cells, as they can be key in the production of emission-free cars, in addition to other  sectors.

The H2 battery laboratory is a fully equipped infrastructure that allows the preparation, development and evaluation of the performance and activity of new PEM technology components. These components, in addition to being synthesized and assembled in the facilities, can be characterized, monitored, and their operating conditions (temperature, pressure, humidity, etc.) can be controlled,

as well as recording their operating parameters.

After the collection of information, the multiphysical modeling of the components to be developed is carried out in order to optimize their operation by means of finite element simulation.

The laboratory is oriented to assist equipment and component manufacturers, as well as companies interested in R&D in electrolyzers and fuel cells.

To do this, we have the following capabilities:

  • Catalyst preparation
  • Development of catalytic inks
  • Catalytic layer deposition
  • Assembling the membrane-electrode assembly (MEA) by hot-pressing
  • Electrochemical characterization
  • Simulation of the electrochemical behavior of an H2 fuel cell


Para ello, contamos con las siguientes capacidades:

  • Preparación de catalizadores
  • Desarrollo de tintas catalíticas
  • Deposición de capas catalíticas
  • Ensamblaje del conjunto membrana-electrodo (MEA) mediante hot-pressing
  • Caracterización electroquímica
  • Simulación del comportamiento electroquímico de una pila de combustible de H2

List of laboratories

Modern societies face the challenge of achieving sustainable energy development.
Climate and environment
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Climate and environment
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Legislation requires that all instruments, devices and measurement systems pass State Metrological Control.