
Governing bodies

ITE From the Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (ITE) we have the objective of facilitating the process of sustainable and efficient energy transition to companies and society. Inicio Governing  bodies Governing Board President D. Miguel Rivas Calderón Ibérica de Aparellajes S.L. Secretary D. José Cerverón Pérez Persona física Vice-Presidencies First Vice-President Dña. Mª Dolores Salvador […]

Success Stories and Networks of Excellence

Success Stories and Networks of Excellence At ITE we always seek the benefit of our clients through excellence and years of professionalism in the projects in which we collaborate, thus achieving frequent success stories. Inicio Success Stories  and Networks of Excellence Redes del futuro Sostenibilidad y descarbonización H2 Renovable

R&D projects

EXPEDIENTE ORGANISMO ANUALIDAD NOMBRE AYUDA CONCEDIDA(€) 101113771 LIFE 2023-2026 ELEkTRA. Circular economy applied to nitrate removal: hydrogen generation and waste recovery in drinking water 128.509,00 101113749 LIFE 2023-2026 LIFE TURBINES. Empowering smart renewable cities through hydropower technology in urban drinking water supply systems 111.258,00 AEI-010500-2023-195 AEIs 2023-2024 NEWBunker, introducción del amoniaco y del hidrógeno y […]

Quality, environment and occupational health and safety policy

ITE Desde el Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (ITE) tenemos el objetivo de facilitar a las empresas y la sociedad el proceso de transición energética sostenible y eficiente. Inicio Quality, environment and occupational health and safety policy The Management, assumes the commitment and leadership of all the quality, environmental and occupational health and safety guidelines established […]


ITE From the Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (ITE) we aim to facilitate the process of sustainable and efficient energy transition to companies and society. Inicio Structure The internal structure is functional in nature and is based on R+D+I areas, laboratories, services and training, supported by the horizontal internal services departments, thus jointly ensuring the […]


From the Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (ITE) we aim to facilitate the process of sustainable and efficient energy transition to companies and society. Inicio Solutions for an energy-smart world At the Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía we have more than 30 years of experience, which makes us an international benchmark in the development of […]

Our lines

R + D + i At the Energy Technological Institute (ITE) we have the objective of facilitating companies and society in the process of sustainable and efficient energy transition. Inicio our lines Networksof the future energycommunities sustainablemobility batteries H2 REnewable biotechnologies/ Energyhaversting sustainability and decarbonization Redes del futuro Análisis de integración de recursos en la red […]

Product Control Bodies

Organismo de control

Services We work closely with companies looking for services and technological infrastructures to achieve energy efficient solutions. Inicio Product Control Bodies ITE, as an organization designated by authorization from the competent Public Administration, provides conformity assessment services in the marketing and commissioning phase of electricity meters, in application of the following conformity assessment procedures: MODULE […]

Technological consulting


Services We work closely with companies looking for services and technological infrastructures to achieve energy efficient solutions. Inicio Technological consulting Nos situamos en un contexto, tanto empresarial como medioambiental, muy exigente. Las nuevas tecnologías permiten ensayos cada vez más precisos que permiten el ahorro de costes y de tiempo. Por esta razón, brindamos un asesoramiento […]

Product certification

Ensayos y servicios

Services We work closely with companies looking for services and technological infrastructures to achieve energy efficient solutions. Inicio Product certification We help companies to optimize their products and equipment prior to implementation thanks to the certification of products based on relevant regulations. List  of laboratories Tipología de laboratorioAlmacenamiento EnergéticoChemicalsClimate and environmentClimáticos y ambientalesCommunicationsComunicacionesElectricalEléctricosElectrónicosElectronicsEnergy StorageMaterialesMaterialsQuímicos Communications […]